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PsyD in Clinical Psychology, Sacramento



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Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Overview

The APA-accredited clinical PsyD program in Sacramento offers you a doctoral education in clinical psychology consistent with a practitioner-scholar model. The program emphasizes clinical skills and the application of research knowledge with diverse populations in a wide range of settings.


  • Aim 1: To train you as a clinical psychologist who will use critical thinking and active problem-solving skills to address a wide range of mental and behavioral health concerns. The program emphasizes multiple methods of evidence-based assessment and intervention with diverse populations, in changing and evolving contexts.
  • Aim 2: To educate and prepare you to evaluate and conduct applied research and be able to effectively communicate this knowledge to others.

In the program you’ll receive a comprehensive foundation in clinical assessment and intervention which integrates an understanding that various structures and systems play a role in creating and/or remedying individual and social problems. 萨克拉门托大学的心理学教授还提供了一系列反映理论的选修课程, assessment, and intervention across a variety of diverse cultural systems.

要了解更多关于这个项目和其他产品,请访问我们的 CSPP-dedicated microsite. You’ll find videos featuring our university president, dean of CSPP, and faculty, along with numerous interactive features!




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Experience Area

Buddhist Psychotherapy

在过去的几十年里,以正念和冥想为基础的实践稳步增长, even as scholars such as Jon Kabat-Zinn have noted the independence of these practices from the original teachings and theoretical origins from which these practices have derived. The Buddhist psychotherapy experience area aims to address this void in the field of psychology.

Learn more about this experience area here


Program Information

Program Competencies

The PsyD in clinical psychology, Sacramento has nine competencies with related elements that form the basis for the practitioner-scholar model:

  • Research
  • Ethical and legal standards
  • Individual and cultural diversity
  • Professional values, attitudes, and behavior
  • Communications and interpersonal skills
  • Assessment
  • Intervention
  • Supervision
  • Consultation and interprofessional/interdisciplinary skills

The competencies are met operationally through various academic and training activities that include courses, practicum and internship placements, supervised research experiences, and comprehensive examinations. 使用多种方法来评估与这些能力相关的结果. These nine competencies specify attitudes, knowledge, 以及学生在毕业时需要掌握的技能, as well as the cultural humility, emotional insight, 以及对专业实践至关重要的专业风范.

See Program Competencies


Advancement to Candidacy

为了提前获得候选人资格并有资格申请实习, students must be in good academic standing and demonstrate:

  1. Successful completion of 60 units of graduate study, including demonstration of the following key competencies through the successful completion of the associated courses: assessment (Intellectual Assessment, Personality Assessment I & II); diagnosis (Advanced Psychopathology), psychological theory (Theories of Personality & Psychotherapy), intervention (Introduction to Psychotherapy and one of the required psychotherapy courses); and law and ethics (Introduction to Ethical Practice & Law)
  2. Competency in discipline-specific knowledge (DSK) integration through successful completion of a written exam synthesizing information from at least two DSK areas (Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior, Biological Foundations, Lifespan Development, and Social Basis of Behavior)*
  3. Research competency through successful defense of the dissertation proposal at the Preliminary Oral Examination
  4. Integrated clinical competency by successful completion of the clinical competency progress review (CPPR)**

*The DSK Integration exam is offered to students at the end of the spring term of their second year.
**The CPPR is offered annually and is intended to be taken as the student completes the second year of study. Failure to pass these exams will lead to remediation. Repeated failure may lead to dismissal. Students may not apply for internship until they have met all requirements for advancement to candidacy.

Duration and Requirements

During the PsyD in clinical psychology program, 学生在训练的渐进发展阶段进行评估. The evaluation begins upon admission and includes evaluation of a student’s readiness in three areas: practicum training, internship, and professional clinical practice. 博士学位课程至少需要90个学术单元(三年), full time), 30 internship units (one year, full time), and 20 hours, which must be completed prior to going to internship, 由有执照的临床心理学家完成的个人治疗. Students typically advance to candidacy following their second year and may not apply for internship until they have met all the following requirements for advancement to candidacy.



The clinical psychology PsyD program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association (APA), which requires that data is provided on time to completion, program costs, internships, attrition, and licensure. 请点击下面的链接查看此信息的PDF格式. We hope this data will help you to make an informed decision regarding your graduate study in higher education.

Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data (.pdf)

*Questions related to a program’s accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation.

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 336-5979


Our Campus Location

Alliant International University
2030 W. El Camino Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95833.

Directions to Campus


Links and Downloads

School Performance Fact Sheet



Research Opportunities

The clinical PsyD program in Sacramento is designed for students interested in the professional practice of clinical psychology. Recognizing that this practice must be grounded in the most current literature and research knowledge, we strive to teach students to be competent consumers of research and confident in their ability to apply this knowledge to diverse populations across various settings.

One of the unique aspects of the clinical PsyD program is the design of its dissertation sequence. 四学期的课程顺序从第二年开始,在第三年完成. During the second year, students work on the development of their dissertation proposal that they typically defend at the end of the second year.  During the third year, 学生收集他们的数据,并完成他们的论文写作, which they typically defend at the end of their third year before students leave for internship. During these dissertation classes, 学生在论文指导老师的指导下相互支持, a core faculty member who serves as dissertation chair. 研讨会的形式利用了班上其他学生的技能来激发新的想法. In addition, this model allows the dissertation chair to provide ongoing helpful feedback as each student progresses through the dissertation process. This intensive structure has proven extremely successful in facilitating students completing dissertation prior to leaving for internship and in turn, completing the program on time.

In addition to course offerings, several faculty members lead voluntary research labs, providing opportunities for students to engage in hands-on research endeavors to present at state and national conferences, and to publish their findings. Below, please find a description of some of the current research initiatives involving students.


Education and Training Research Lab

Emil Rodolfa, PhD 

Throughout my career, I have been committed to enhancing the education and training of the next generation of psychologists. 从我还是德州农学院博士生的时候起&M where I was learning to supervise, 直到我成为APA/APPIC期刊的创始编辑, Training and Education in Professional Psychology, until today, I am fascinated by the process of professional development. It gives me great pleasure and a sense of personal and professional fulfillment to contribute to student learning and competency development.

My research lab has been developed to give students a chance to examine variables that contribute to the process of doctoral education in psychology. Each year, I take a small group of first year students and over their three years in the program we investigate a topic of interest to them in the broad area of psychology education and training.

Year Topic Invested
2014 影响学生是否提交论文发表的因素
2015 Telesupervision training for doctoral interns
2016 影响心理学博士生冒名顶替综合症的变量
2017 心理学博士课程和实习的自杀训练
  1. Competency problems and response for psychologists 
  2. Training Director views of competency of psychology interns
2019 The impact of COVID-19 on psychology doctoral education
2020 Social media and psychology doctoral students

These research opportunities have given students a chance to connect with each other and work together towards a common goal. 他们为学生提供了合作制定研究方案的机会, to apply to the University institution review board, to conduct the study, analyze the data collected, develop presentations, and write and submit papers describing the research. In addition, these projects give me a chance to get to know students; to work closely with them, to mentor, and to support them. As a result, 这让我有机会更多地了解我们的学生和他们的兴趣, to watch how they work as a member of our research team, and how they commit to an additional project in the face of all the other demands of our program.

I look forward each year to welcoming new students into my lab and helping them develop a project that they will feel excited about working on to its completion.

Jacqueline Fahey, PsyD

While still early in my career, 我有幸成为许多了不起的研究团队的一员. In particular, I have greatly enjoyed my participation on research teams exploring topics that fall in the realm of health psychology. During my undergraduate experience, 我是一个团队的成员,该团队评估了自恋和自恋之间的关系, biological sex, mood, and exercise exertion, which was published in the International Journal of Exercise Science in 2014.

In 2016, I traveled with some fellow graduate students to rural villages in Vietnam to examine the impact of introducing health behavior change on the rates of parasitic disease.

因为健康心理学是心理学领域中一个相对较新的分支, there is still a great deal that has yet to be explored. Regarding future research, 我对探索动机的主题特别感兴趣, perceived self-worth, and mood as it relates to an individual’s health behaviors. While these are topics that I am interested in, I find it to be an integral part of the process for students to discuss and identify topics that make them excited to work on a project.

Therefore, in the future when I open my lab to students, we will collaborate as we explore each student’s unique interests so they may gain invaluable research experience as a part of their professional development journey.




Field Training

The clinical PsyD program in Sacramento emphasizes the integration of academic coursework with clinical practice. Students receive supervised clinical training during five semesters of practicum and one year of full-time pre-doctoral internship. Practicum students are placed through an extensive network of agencies throughout Central and Northern California. Potential sites include hospitals and other medical settings, schools, correctional facilities, group homes, clinics, universities, and state and county programs. Placements are available in agencies utilizing a variety of theoretical approaches and serving demographically and culturally diverse populations.

Skills learned in the classroom are quickly put to practice as students participate in their professional training experiences. 学生在第一年的下学期开始实习. This first-year practicum requires 12 hours per week for 17 weeks (approximately 200 hours) and draws on the skills learned during the first term in courses designed to prepare students for practice (such as Basic Foundations of Clinical Practice, Introduction to Ethical Practice & Law, and Intellectual Assessment). In the second and third years, practica are 16–20 hours per week for 50 weeks (approximately 800 hours each year) and use psychotherapy and assessment skills in a variety of settings. The director of clinical training facilitates a match process between students and agencies based on how the available training experiences match individual practicum learning plans. These are developed for each student to provide a breadth of experiences in keeping with the student’s level of experience and career goals.

In their final year of study, 学生有责任获得适当的一年课程, full-time internship (approximately 2,000 hours). 学生必须在比赛的第一阶段寻求apa认可的实习, and then during phase 2 (if needed) they may apply to APPIC or CAPIC member internships if desired. The Office of Professional Training and all of the faculty provide extensive support to students as they negotiate the internship application process.


Extra-Curricular Involvement

In addition to courses and field training, 学生也有机会更多地参与校园活动, both with the program and the university as a whole. One such opportunity is the Student Government Association (SGA)—considered the “voice of the students” at Alliant. The purpose of SGA is to promote and facilitate effective communication between faculty and administration by serving as the voice of the student body. This is done to strive for the highest quality of educational and professional engagement for the student body. SGA also works to promote social interactions and cohesion among all students and be a positive catalyst for change at all levels of the Alliant community.


探索我们临床心理学项目的研究机会, practicum partners, and student communities.



Why Alliant

At Alliant, our mission is to prepare students for professional careers of service and leadership and to promote the discovery and application of knowledge to improve lives. We offer an education that is accredited, focused on practical knowledge and skills, connected with diverse faculty and alumni, and aimed at the student experience.

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Founded in 1969, CSPP was one of the nation’s first independent schools of professional psychology. Today, CSPP continues its commitment to preparing the next generation of mental health professionals through graduate-level degree programs in clinical psychology, marriage and family therapy, clinical counseling, organizational psychology, psychopharmacology, and more.


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